Tuesday, August 16, 2005

The Gents say: Flower Power Dude!

This is what happens after a few margaritas on a Monday night...Rock star poet Rod Smith decided to copy my 'do on the way home from the bar, and what a trend it is! Perhaps when he reads with a certain poet at Georgetown, he'll let me really be his stylist. He's pictured here with my colleague Nabil from the Rouge...perhaps you'll see him behind the front desk with fleurs as well :)

Yesterday I moved back into my place after being away for 3 months...how good it is to have a room of one's own (thanks Virginia!). I spent the morning relaxing with waffles, Rohr's coffee (my favorite pumpkin spice), and Sex and the City and after watching the episode about the marrieds vs. the singles, Moses at my front desk and I had a conversation about my subletter and when I said she had a husband and a house back in TN, he said, "soon for you."

Hmmm, for those of you who know me well, go ahead, let out that snicker! Soon for me, how many light years is that? While I definitely do want that handsome hubby one day, I'm quite content being that single gal who takes care of herself (except when I get sick and then I'm a huge baby). Though there is usually a man in my radar, it's nice to know that you have your own space that no one can take away from you. I remember having this kind of a conversation with a writer friend of mine who said, writing is your passion, a man comes second...hence the solution: date a writer---which is another debate in and of itself---how can two writers actually feed each other and keep the balance? I know two, Frank and Doris who are doing it quite well. But do writer couples work? Look at Ted Hughes and Sylvia Plath, but then again there's Donald Hall and Jane Kenyon. Just goes to show you that there are many right and wrong ways. For Doris, it's diagonal.

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